January 17th, 2025

Dealing with Sciatica This Winter? Start Feeling Better Today

Dealing with sciatica

Discover Sciatica Solutions at TruMotion Therapy

If you dread the damp, cold winter weather in Charlotte, NC, because of the back pain that accompanies it, you’re not alone. People who have sciatica tend to notice increased stiffness and higher levels of nerve pain in these weather conditions. When people spend more time sitting and less time doing outdoor activities in winter, these issues intensify.

Dealing with sciatica, especially during winter, requires customized treatments. At TruMotion Therapy, our experts offer plans that relieve your pain quickly. We also focus on restoring your mobility and attempting to improve your long-term joint health.

What is sciatica? how sciatica is essentially an irritation of the sciatica nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body. It can be irritated by issues in the spine, like a bulge. Like, disc or stenosis. It can also be caused by, or compressed by muscle tightness in the hip.

Understanding the Link Between Winter and Sciatica Pain

When you are seeking winter joint pain solutions related to sciatica, it’s important to understand why symptoms worsen in cold, wet weather.

For example, most people become sedentary during winter, and less movement means you aren’t stretching as much, increasing muscle tension. You’ll notice increased discomfort from your sciatica pain.

Even if you have a job out in the field most of the year, you might end up working at a desk more often in wintery conditions. Add poor posture to that time at the desk and sitting for long periods, and it’s no wonder sciatica pain worsens.

A drop in atmospheric pressure during winter weather can also increase joint pain levels and cause a sciatica flare-up.

Active Solutions for Sciatica Relief – Charlotte, NC

In addition to receiving treatment from our experts at TruMotion Therapy for your sciatica, some of the steps you can take at home include:

  • Stretching regularly
  • Staying active
  • Going for a walk
  • Taking a yoga class

When stretching at home, focus on simple exercises that target the lower back and hamstrings. However, when dealing with sciatica stretching exercises, always use caution to avoid muscle injuries.

The key is to remain as active as possible. Gentle, basic exercises and stretching can prevent stiffness, too.

Winter Joint Pain Solutions Designed for Recovery

When you need help, chiropractic care for sciatica is a highly effective solution. Our experts also recommend using temperature therapy. Using these two solutions together to deal with sciatica provides desirable results.

If you are struggling with inflammation and pain from sciatica during Charlotte’s damp, cold winter weather, we recommend using alternating heating and cooling therapies. Switching between heat packs and ice packs provides benefits including:

  • Better blood flow with heat
  • Pain relief from ice packs
  • Heat relaxes muscles
  • Icing reduces inflammation

Using chiropractic care for sciatica at the same time can help with balance and mobility. Having our experts create a personalized chiropractic treatment plan allows us to address the specific types of pain you are experiencing.

Long-Term Sciatica Management for Seasonal Comfort

Because sciatica pain symptoms worsen in winter, it’s even more important to focus on things like posture and ergonomics when dealing  with sciatica during this season.

If you are spending more time sitting at a desk while working during winter, poor posture can lead to spinal misalignment. This leaves extra pressure and stress on the joints and muscles, which can compress the sciatic nerve. You may notice significant levels of pain radiating down the leg.

To avoid these common problems in winter, you can take steps including:

  • Get up and move regularly
  • Hydrate yourself
  • Focus on great posture

Diet plays a role in long-term sciatica management, too. Our experts can suggest changes to your diet that reduce problems with inflammation.

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Take Back Control With TruMotion Therapy’s Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Dealing with sciatica during Charlotte’s winter may feel like an impossible chore, but there’s hope! With just a few lifestyle adjustments and help from the sciatica pain experts at TruMotion Therapy, relief is possible.

We can create a personalized plan for your sciatica pain treatments, deploying an innovative approach that has a track record of success. Our chiropractic techniques specifically focus on your sources of sciatica pain, too.

Let TruMotion Therapy help you move toward a pain-free, active lifestyle — regardless of the winter weather. Call us at (980) 819-5818 today.

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9217 Baybrook Ln Suite I
Charlotte, NC 28277
(980) 819-5818


Text (980) 224-0517


Monday: 8am - 1pm
Tuesday: 7am - 6pm
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday: 7am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 1pm
Saturday: CLOSED
